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Nina had a rough start to life, stealing to survive—and eventually being sold into slavery by her own brother. But to her surprise, her captor, Prince Azure, ordained that she would live the life of a princess...specifically, that of the recently deceased princess-priestess, Alisha. But despite her changing fortune, Nina won't give up her old life without a fight...and Azure might just be the one to finally match her wits. But how much can she trust Azure? And can she stop the feelings budding in her heart, knowing she must eventually marry another...?
Last Synced: January 13, 2025
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12Show allexpand_more
(4/5)1 rating1 review
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I get the impression the manga is probably better (especially early on), but I really enjoyed the show a lot. While there's some suspension of disbelief required here and there, the twists and character development were plenty interesting, especially as the season progressed, and the (horrifying) 2nd lead got introduced. Idk whether it will get another season or not, but I'd definitely keep watching if it does.
The only downside was I couldn't find JP subs for it anywhere, so I varied btwn audi