Series Blurb
[DeepL Translation - needs review] In Search of Humanity Unseen
A young girl continues to walk alone on an earth where life has perished. Her mission is to search for survivors and cleanse the land. Will she find humans?
A beautiful post-apocalypse of ruins is depicted by Haruo Iwamune, an up-and-coming artist who loves buildings. An android who has lost its master, an AI who continues its mission, and more. The first volume of "Loneliness"!
(Translator: DeepL)
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(4.12/5)Stumbled across this manga the other day, read the free preview, and instantly knew I had to read it. And once I started reading, I couldn't put it down.
It's a post-apocalyptic story following the story of a girl searching a destroyed city for survivors of a calamity (結晶病 "crystal disease") and disposing of the bodies of those who didn't make it. It's quite a bleak story, and as a content warning there is suicide and some body horror
Read with the WK book club.
Language Learning
There is no furigana which makes this one more difficult if you're like me and don't use OCR. I found this to be a subjectively difficult read due to the lack of furigana and the sci-fi vocabulary. There's one chapter in particular where the difficulty spikes from an AI character who uses pretty formal language.
I really enjoyed this and will be reading the other volumes. The art is beautiful, and I loved the melancholy atm
Bleak and Slow
This is not a bad manga, but whether you enjoy it will depend on a couple of key things.
- Do you enjoy slow, episodic storytelling?
- Are you okay with a bleak and oftentimes depressing atmosphere?
If you answered "yes" to both of those questions, you will probably enjoy this manga. For me, the answer is "no" and "not usually", so I can't really give the manga more than 3/5. I will say that the last two chapters did pique my interest a bit, but probably not enough to continue reading the ser
Atmospheric story of a girl who rummages through the rubbles of human civilization after the outbreak of a deadly epidemic, seemingly brought by mysterious monsters, in the search of remaining human life.
The beginning of the first volume is particularly light on text, favoring a more visually-driven narrative to introduce you to the world. However, the text density picks up after that, as she meets various robots, previously working for humans, during her exploration of the various dis