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[DeepL Translation - needs review] The brave man defeated the Demon King. At the same time - he never returned. Four years have passed since the Demon King was defeated. The kingdom, now at peace, launches a project to compile a book of the hero's many feats in order to honor the deceased hero. As the kingdom hears of the hero's past and adventures from his former companions, Leon the knight, Maria the priest, and Solon the sage, they all remain silent about the truth behind the hero's dea...
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(4.23/5)I was sad to finish this book!
This was a really fun read! The story was a bit slow at first but, you get to understand the characters really well, and as the mystery unravels there are a few great twists. The book was challenging from time to time but it was excellent for learning a lot of the harder words were used often. I definitely recommend this book.
Cute Murder Mystery
This was a cute little murder mystery as someone investigates who killed the hero after him and his party defeated the Demon King.
This one-off light novel isn't incredibly deep, or full of twists, but it's well-written with good setup and nice characters. It's a cozy fantasy mystery.
Language wise, the story is super easy to understand, but the use of advance kanji to give it that fantasy flare makes it tricky. Reading the ebook version helps if you're not used to reading fantasy.
We follow the country's princess as she searches for the truth behind the death of the hero that defeated the demon king. The story largely consists of testimonies from people who knew the hero, and flashbacks to events in the lives of the hero and those who knew him.
Simply put, i found the story to be a breath of fresh air.
Solid book that tries to do something interesting with some tired tropes. It mostly succeeds, but ultimately I don't think it does anything that special. Still a really enjoyable story.
Difficultywise, it's straightforward overall, but there is a decent amount of uncommon vocabulary, especially towards the beginning.
it was alright
This novel had an interesting premise and started of pretty strong. The interview-like chapters were excellent. Unfortunately, it does the LN thing of repeating the same chapter from a different view point a lot. At least half of the novel is unnecessary fluff I would rather have done without.
(impression of the ending, without going into plot points) The reveal towards the end felt like it lacked a lot of imagination. Or maybe a plot hole if you think about it a bit. It might also be
Fantasy light novel that feels unique in a genre oversaturated with Isekai
'Fantasy' + 'Light novel.' Two words that strike fear into the hearts of any well adjusted Japanese reader. When one hears these words, the image of a loser thrust into the role of chaddom by the whim of fate comes to mind. I'm happy to report that this book is not like that at all.
The bulk of this book is a series of interviews with the hero's party of adventurers some years after they have defeated the 大魔王. The aim of which is to discover who is responsible for the death of the hero as they