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[DeepL Translation - needs review] In the Taisho era (1912-1926), an influenza virus called the Spanish flu was raging. People were frightened by the threat of the virus, with no way to protect themselves except to wear masks and refrain from going out. It is the courage of a barbarian to risk contagion without fear of disease," said one of the victims, "but it is the courage of a man who is afraid of disease. It is the courage of a civilized man to avoid the risk of contagion out of fear of...
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(4.33/5)6 ratings1 review
About the 1918 flu pandemic and the author finding out he has a weak heart and then his reaction to both of these things as well as the pandemic waning. Honestly fascinating to read having lived through corona, but probably more enjoyable now than it would have been closer to the events.
Fairly straight forward read for the era it was written in. Aside from the /\ marks to indicate repetition I didn't notice any of the usual old writing quirks. Perhaps it has been modernized a bit?