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A Japanese Reader: Graded Lessons for Mastering the Written Language (Tuttle Language Library)
This book is a selection of graded Japanese readings written in modern Japanese. An excellent way to learn Japanese, A Japanese Reader is designed for the foreign student of Japanese who is interested in attaining and developing proficiency in reading Japanese, the style of which is in current use in books, magazines, and newspapers in Japan. It also includes authentic excerpts from works by 20th–century Japanese masters Mishima, Akutagawa, Kawabata, and others. Although A Japanese Reader s...
This book is difficult to grade. In actuality, it is a graded reader starting from a very low level, but it continues all the way through to incredibly advanced material, such as high level 40+ books. We specified lvl 20 as the level, because those users would be able to make use of a significant portion of the book, but it does start below that level (hiragana/katakana).
As a result of this complication, we've marked this book as a textbook so users are not prompted to grade the difficulty (textbooks are excluded from grading).
How they had to learn Japanese in the 1960s...
I like this book, but more as part of my "how they used to have to study Japanese" book collection than as a serious tool for the modern learner (it was first published in 1962). This is a set of 75 graded texts that go all the way from "hiragana a-no" to "An outline of the liberalisation plans in foreign trade and exchange", so there is a pretty steep difficulty gradient through the book. I mostly kept the book on my shelf and periodically retried it to see if I'd made enough progress in my abi