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You are no longer a beginner, but not yet advanced. Now what? Tobira: Gateway to Advanced Japanese is your answer. This is the first textbook that addresses the gap between beginner- and advanced-level learners in all of the four language skills. A wide range of topics is explored, from Japanese geography and history to pop culture. Tobira facilitates learning through the use of multimedia, and helps you construct a Japanese environment even while living abroad.
(Source: Publisher Website)
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(4.27/5)I don't really like using textbooks to study Japanese. They're just so dry. But Tobira is a different. Each chapter is themed on a different slice of Japanese culture. There are texts to introduce each topic as well as questions and exercises. With each chapter, you are also given a list of kanji, vocab and grammar to learn.
This is my second time going through the textbook and I think I've perfected my method. I would read the 読み物 (long-form text), 会話文 (conversation text), 文ノート (grammar guide)
The beginning
I cannot say much yet. I have learnt Japanese with the Genki textbooks before and I have to get used to it by now. But it motivates me a lot to learn to get the progress it promises. As I understand it, it is recommended to learn the kanjis and vocabularies before starting to work on the practice parts. I have translated the first text with the help of translators as well and like to recommend the app yomiwa, with which you can write unknown kanjis by hand to find them. I'm quite confident with