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よろしくお願いしマンモス!1 : Nihongo con Teppei book (Nihongo con Teppei books)
Japanese podcast for beginner through intermadiate level, Nihongo con Teppei, is the best way to learn Japanese! And here is a book version of those podcast! Read ,learn and have fun while picking up natural Japanese. Let’s study with me. This book is written for students at upper-beginner or intermediate level of Japanese. Reading an easy essey like よろしくお願いしマンモス! is one of the most effective and pleasant ways to learn a Foreign Language. By reading, you can learn vocabulary and grammar structur...
(4.33/5)Enjoyable read on a Kindle
I'm a regular listener of Teppei san's beginner podcast. This book's style will be immediately familar to fellow listeners.
Split into a number of short chapters, it's ideal for upper beginners / lower intermediates.
The chapters were interesting and it paints a fully picture Teppei san's life and motivations.
There is furigana, however over the chapters it becomes less as Teppei san will only put it for the first time the word is encountered. Fear not, the Kindle's dictionary came to my

Great first book for learners
I listen to the Nihongo con Teppei podcast daily for listening podcast and have found it a great resource. I was thrilled to see that he wrote a book as well, and it was a great resource for to me move from graded readers to actual books. The writing has a very spoken quality to it which makes it easy to follow along with, more so than normal books. Additionally, it is interesting to learn about Teppei's life story and what inspired him to become a Japanese teacher. There is a transcript of a co