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[DeepL Translation - needs review] Introduction to Volume 1: St. Ruri Girls' Academy. There are two opposing forces here: the "Ruri Gumi," made up of respectable young ladies, and the "Ai Gumi," made up of delinquents who are not well behaved. Among the Aigumi students, Nanase Mitsuki is the one most feared by the Ruri clan because of her stern appearance. Although she has a complex about such appearance, one night she meets a young lady, Yuka Hosho, who wanders the streets at night ......? ...
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Off to a good and very cute start! You can feel the chemistry between the leads already, and they both seem interesting.
NOTE: This is the individual chapters version. For the 合本版 (collected in volume(s)) version, go here: https://learnnatively.com/book/9cdac12b9d/