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Natsu e no Tunnel, Sayonara no Deguchi, The Tunnel to Summer, the Exit of Goodbyes
[DeepL Translation - needs review] The summer of a boy and a girl who challenge a tunnel that transcends time and space. Do you know what the Urashima Tunnel is? If you enter that tunnel, you can get anything you want. Anything? Anything. But, the Urashima Tunnel won't just let you go..." Kasaki, a country town facing the sea. One summer morning, Kaoru Tohno, a high school senior, hears an urban legend about the "Urashima Tunnel. It was a fairytale-like tunnel that, if you went inside, you c...
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(3.70/5)Very engaging, end a bit lacking
I really enjoyed the story and it was an engaging read. The most fun I had reading in a while and I finished in within a few days. The language was not particularly difficult and while the genre would be considered fantasy, it's all set in a real world setting without any particularly difficult words or concepts/ideas.
Only the ending felt a bit rushed and left me wanting a more information.
Very interesting ideas, somewhat disappointing execution
I actually listened to the audiobook of this, just for reference. The story centers around 浦島トンネル (named after the famous 浦島太郎 legend) where time passes faster inside than out. The main characters explore this tunnel because they each hope to reclaim something they've lost, and it's said that you can find anything you desire on the other side. The catch, of course, is that you'll lose time in the world now with all the people you know. This idea is really cool, and the way they explore the tunne
Thought this was a pretty well done "boy meets girl" story with a bit of a sci-fi twist and nice message. Could have used a bit more time to cement some of the characterization, but with the plot and later half of the story being as interesting and well-paced as they were I couldn't help but keep reading it to the end once the story picked up.
For use with learning this also has a lot going for it:
- The audiobook is well done for those who use that approach with reading
- The vocab is more
I recommend being familiar with the story of 浦島太郎 before reading this book as it's referenced a few times. If you don't know the story yet, a quick summary can be found here: http://nihon.syoukoukai.com/modules/stories/index.php?lid=23
If you like the listening/reading method, the audiobook follows the written counterpart pretty much perfectly.
I honestly wasn't that engaged with the story, even at the end the characters felt rather poorly developed to me, but the plot was interesting enough
Pretty forgettable, but with a memorable gimmick
I want to give this a 2.5 because it's just fine, but I think in this case it'll be rounded down to a 2 instead of up to a 3.
I just listened to the audiobook (from audiobook.jp) while doing other things and didn't read along. Only note I have re: the audiobook is that Karen's voice actor had the most horrible, grating voice I've ever heard. Maybe I'm misremembering but wasn't she supposed to be 10 when she went missing? She sounds 4 years old.
I usually read a buuuuunch of reviews before dec
The fantastical elements kept the story interesting and kept me guessing at how the story would end. I thought the protagonist was a little bit boring and passive, though I wonder if this is maybe just typical of light novel protagonists. The difficulties of his life were almost comically pitiful as were the antics of the "mean girl", yet it's not too depressing.
This is the first light novel I've read. There was a lot of new vocabulary for me.
It's a great first light novel for me and I'd rec
Interesting idea, entertaining, good audio, but can be better
I both listened to the audiobook and read the e-book. I can understand much better from reading, though. I find penmanship amusing.
Just like everyone has said. Characters can have more depth. Heroine better than the rest of the cast, but just barely 7.5/10.
The concept of the Tunnel is interesting, but in the end, I hope more of the mystery and supernatural-ness.