Level 23
「けんかのあとは」きみが死ぬまで恋をしたい5巻 特装版小冊子電子版
by あおの なち
volume 6 of きみが死ぬまで恋をしたい
person( 4 finished )
Series Blurb
[DeepL Translation - needs review] Introduction to Volume 1: You taught me everything I want to live, and everything I love. Girls attend a school where children with no relatives are raised as weapons of war. They attend classes to kill people, and their daily lives are filled with sorrow over the deaths of others. One night, Sheena, a 14-year-old girl who cannot accept her situation, meets Mimi, a little girl covered in blood - Sheena, a scared girl who longs for peace, and Mimi, an immort...
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