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Yanakura, a water town in Kyushu. Three disappearances occurred one after another here. All of them were elderly women who lived in Japanese houses facing the canal, but mysteriously they all soon reappeared unexpectedly with no memory of what happened. Were they abducted by aliens, brainwashed by a new religion, or what? A former university professor, Kyoichiro, and others, who are interested in the case, notice the existence of "human-like creatures." ......
(Translator: DeepL)
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(4.43/5)If I had to categorize this book somehow, I'd call it quiet, understated horror. There's elements of mystery, of horror, of science-fiction, even of romance maybe, but it's not entirely any of those. And like the other two books of Riku Onda I have read so far, the ending resolves nothing. Maybe don't read this book if an open, vague ending bothers you.
Through the narrative, some complex themes emerge: Self and identity. Being part of the majority or being ostracised. Free will. Human adaptabi