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からかい上手の高木さん 1
Teasing Master Takagi-san 1
Series Blurb
Middle schooler Nishikata has had it with his classmate Takagi – the chronic teaser who sits nearby. Day in and day out, she comes after him with every sort of trick or prank. Even when he tries to get her back, she's always one step ahead. But rest assured, it's only the beginning. He's not about to give up that easily in this battle of cunning and youth!
(Source: anilist)
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(3.99/5)I liked it and think it's a good beginner manga. I won't say I was particularly entertained, but it's cute! Essentially the entire book is 髙木さん playing pranks on the hapless 西片さん, who is quite befuddled at how to get back at her. It's fun for the first few chapters, but I did think it got a little tired by the end - of course, they both like each other so there is a small romantic arc too (totally benign, don't worry). I'd probably recommend it if you don't mind rom-coms.
For the language learn
Uhh, well, i did not enjoy this one at all. For some reason i still read all the 18 volumes currently out, but i was not able to find this interesting in any way. The story does not progress at all, well, there is none, save for the few, actually interesting moments where it at least felt like something happens. I personally am not a fan at all of this "extremely oblivious boy" trope and i would have enjoyed an actual equal "teasing" much more i think? Also a lot of games they pl