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(4.38/5)Enjoyable tearjerker
Difficulty: I listened to the audiobook for this and didn’t read the text. I found it one of the best books I’ve listened to so far in terms of feeling like I was missing almost nothing. The everyday setting of this means that there is almost no unusual vocab, and I’d say the grammar is pretty comfortably in the N3/maybe some N2 ballpark.
Story: I really enjoyed this story! The first three quarters or so are a quite simple but very charming high school romance (with a slight twist). The last q
Sad. Very, very sad.
I'm not entirely sure how to make this book sound appealing without spoilers, so I just won't. Personally I'd even avoid reading the blurb, though the spoilers in there are minor. If you're into sad things and don't mind reading a romance novel, definitely give this a try. It's well written and among books that have a similar premise, it's by far the best one I've read to date. At first it doesn't seem that special, but past a certain point it's just heart-wrenching.
I listened to the audiob
Beautiful, beautiful book
As others have said, the story starts off as a slightly surprising high school romance (but luckily, the usual school gossiping etc was kept at an extremely low level). Then some events start kicking in... The end result is a beautiful story about pure love. In hindsight, I might have liked the book even better without the very last chapter. In my opinion, it did not add much to the main message and started veering a bit towards the kitschy end, which the author had pretty much avoided up until