Series Blurb
[DeepL Translation - needs review] "I can't wait to read the book!" Really?
There are two kinds of kids in the world: those who love to read and those who hate to read. But imagine if books disappeared from the planet? What if all books disappeared from the face of the earth? Whether you're a book hater or a book lover, you're going to want to read more and more, because when you can't do something, you want to do it more.
In this book, Sangjin and Minji are two kids who love books...
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(2.50/5)This story has an extremely straightforward and simple plot perhaps a little too simple, but it makes it great for language learning.
The audiobook is just over an hour long, so I definitely recommend listening to it of you can. The only caveat there are the alien voices, I found them quite annoying, but at least the main characters's and narrator's voices are fine.
Language wise, while aliens are a main plot point, there actually isn't much alien related vocab, mainly 외계인 (alien) and 우주선 (sp
I listened to the audiobook, so I won’t get into vocab or grammar. But it was very comprehensible for me. Lots of 반말 if you wanted to practice that. Words I didn’t know were understandable through context. Like they described blue light shooting from the flying ‘thing’ so I could guess it meant spaceship.
The plot seemed pretty fun until maybe a bit after the halfway point. I didn’t like the ending at all, but it’s a kids book so lol. Cute conclusion.
However, some points in the book really