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[DeepL Translation - needs review] After he left, a huge universe began to move! Short novels for teens to read, cry, and laugh at on their own [Read Alone]
Jihoon is an "ordinary Korean teenager" who suffers from the stress of studying day and night according to his parents' schedule. Ji-hoon becomes close to Ram, a self-proclaimed time traveler, who is in his class. He doesn't believe the crazy things he says, like that he's from the future or that a major disaster will happen at the new ...
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(3.50/5)Jihoon is a typical stressed out teenager who is struggling under the pressure of academic expectations. He befriends his weird classmate Ram who tells everyone he's a time traveller from the future.
This is a really short little novel at 83 pages about both the frustrating experience of being a teenager and having to live the life your parents dictate, but also about the experience of looking back on the past even (maybe especially) the mundane bits, as something precious
The short authors n
While I wasn't particularly impressed with this story, I did enjoy the reading experience: the language is simple and straightforward, which makes it a relatively quick and easy read, but it's also a book book (as opposed to a picture book or graded reader) which makes the ease of reading rather satisfying. If you can overlook the issues with the plot, I'd definitely recommend it as a nice stepping stone between easier content aimed at children or language learners and full-fledged novels.