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An e-library containing many easy-to-read books in Korean and other languages.
■ The "Dooru Library" was created through a partnership between The Foundation SeeArt and educational tech start-up Enuma. › The library is comprised of 124 Korean books and 84 books in other languages, making a total of 204 books categorized into 6 levels. › You can choose between various levels starting from level 1, which contains short words and sentences, up to level 6, which is perfect for 1st and 2nd graders....
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editThis work is graciously licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0 ( https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ ) by Enuma, Inc. & The Foundation SeeArt for Book Culture.
(5/5)2 ratings1 review
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Language learning(5/5)
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May 16, 2024
The story of 김수로, the founder of the ancient Korean kingdom of 가락국, and his queen, 허황옥, a princess from an ancient Indian kingdom. The couple is often cited as the first international marriage in Korea, and used as an example of multiculturalism in the country's history.
A simple story suitable for beginners, including illustrations and native audio.