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Light novel
by たかた
volume 7 of クラスで2番目に可愛い女の子と友だちになった
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[DeepL Translation - needs review] Introduction to Volume 1: ◆◇ 6th Kakuyom Web Novel Contest 《Love Comedy Category》 Special Prize◇◆ I, Maki Maehara, who didn't even know anyone before, made my first friend, Umi Asanagi. Asanagi, who is rumored by the boys to be the "second cutest girl in the class" and follows the innocent No. 1 girl, Amami, around with great care, is... She sneaks over to my house only after school on Fridays. It's a fun time with her, who also shares my taste in movies, g...
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This volume was jam packed, and soooooo much fun. It also probably had the most perspective switching out of any of the stories (the only perspective we didn't really get being Nozomu).
While the story is mostly focused on the main 5, Riku, Shizuku, Reiji, and various parents all play a significant role in various events. There's of course the expected 花火大会, 三者面談, 進路調査票 events, as well as a really fun date (initially featuring just Maki, Umi, Masaki, and Sora</Spoile