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Level 12
Acquire Spanish with Short Stories Easy Spanish Short Stories For Beginners and Intermediates. Acquire Spanish the Natural Way (The Journey to Fluency no 1)
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volume 1 of The Journey to Fluency
person( 1 finished )
Series Blurb
[DeepL Translation - needs review] From Book 1: If you want to acquire Spanish naturally, then keep reading...
For several years, professors imposed traditional teaching techniques, teaching grammar, and endless pronunciation rules - and it's still a working method. Every effort is made to interpret the language correctly. But recent studies show that the average language student completely forgets grammar after a few weeks. "It is easier to stop and explain a grammatical structure but it ...
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(2/5)1 rating1 review
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Language learning(3/5)
1 rating
October 27, 2024
Very simple (and uninteresting) short stories. There were several editing mistakes which I found particularly annoying in a book designed to help people learn a language. I probably should have read this at least 200 input-hours ago (currently at 600) if I was going to read it.
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