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Level 14
Laura no está
Graded reader
by Paco Ardit
volume 6 of Spanish Novels Series
person( 3 finished )
Series Blurb
The Spanish Novels Series includes 26 graded readers for Spanish learners, across six difficulty levels ranging from A1 to C2 and in multiple genres. Each book can be read independently from the others. These stories will help you assimilate and put into practice what you learn in other contexts. Enjoy!
(Source: Amazon)
Page Count:
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The first 20 or so pages of this book really felt like a bunch of example sentences from a Spanish 101 textbook about how to describe a person. Eventually, a plot is introduced and it gets a little more interesting but not too much more.
I got this digitally from my local library. Maybe I'll keep another on my phone to casually practise reading while standing in line or something, but otherwise I think I won't be checking out the rest of these Paco Ardit books.