[DeepL Translation - needs review] A terrible thing happens when you have this ■. If you list the box on a flea market app as "exclusively for Mr. Kasil," you are sure to get a successful bid - and you will. This was a popular way to earn a little extra money at a certain school. However, there was a rule. Boxes for "Mr. Kasir" must not have anything in them. What is the fate of the boy who accidentally puts a message card inside? (For Kasir-sama only) Let's find all the words and connect th...
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(3.50/5)Associative Horror
Ups the ante of 6 by partially merging horror with activity books. The prose chapters are once again beautifully written and highly enjoyable, while the gimmick chapters explore new ways to tell horror stories and very much succeed in that, in my opinion. Be warned, though, that the literary and sometimes even archaic writing style of the book makes it very difficult at times, so much so that it gave even some native speakers a headache.
Still, for the most part I found it to competently walk
The math problems and the crossword chapter were really fun
It's difficult to evaluate this book because it was definitely above my reading level, which made the prose really hard to get through at times.
Chapters 1-3 were my favorites of the prose chapters, though none of them really blew me away.
Chapter 4, 練習問題, was my favorite chapter overall! I did the math problems with a friend and we genuinely attempted to work through them, and it ended up being a whole lot of fun and really helped build suspense in the story. It took us about 80 minutes to fi