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Rubinrot (Liebe geht durch alle Zeiten, Band 1)
Children's book
by Kerstin Gier
volume 1 of Liebe geht durch alle Zeiten
person( 1 finished )
Series Blurb
[DeepL Translation - needs review] Sometimes it's a real cross to live in a family that has lots of secrets. At least that's what 16-year-old Gwendolyn thinks. Until one day, out of the blue, she finds herself in London at the turn of the last century. And she realizes that she, of all people, is her family's biggest secret. What she doesn't realize, however, is that it's best not to fall in love between the times. Because that makes things even more complicated!
(Translator: DeepL)
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(3/5)1 rating0 reviews
December 29, 2023