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(4/5)Great for beginners
This is one of the easiest pieces of Japanese media I've tried so far. It's for the most part quite easy to follow and when it does have more complex vocabulary it's usually not necessary for understanding the overall story. I think the harder aspects of the book are cultural because there are a lot of Japanese pop culture references and some very Japanese jokes that I didn't really understand.
It's skit like nature also makes it very easy to follow because there can be a chapter or two you don
(disclaimer: I'm going through books I forgot to post reviews for, so I'm writing this months after actually reading)
Ngl, I got pretty bored reading this. Like others have said, it's quite nonsensical, which is supposed to be part of the comedy of it, but I didn't find it all that funny either. I think this manga's just not for me though, so if you think you might like it you could still give it a try.
しろくまカフェ often recommended as a first book, but I don't know if I agree with that recommenda
This is a good beginner manga - it has furigana and (relatively) limited vocabulary. The WaniKani vocabulary sheet has good coverage, which is a huge help.
The story is essentially a series of "slice of life" vignettes about three companions, Panda, Shirokuma (polar bear) and Emperor Penguin. It contains very silly comedy, which varies between simple puns to pokes at the world's absurdity (for example, Panda goes to a zoo for a part-time job as an employee, but gets cast as a panda in an exhib
Language Learning
Personally, I'm not sure this is a great first manga, but maybe better once you've read a few volumes of other things. I think that the puns and nonsensical situations might end up frustrating, and the slice of life story where nothing particularly happens might get a little boring if it's the only thing you're reading.
That said, as an intermediate learner, I absolutely enjoyed this volume. The more you read, the more you know the characters, and th