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Easy Korean Reading For Beginners
Easy Korean Reading For Beginners will help you have much more confidence in your Korean reading comprehension through 30 short stories about various everyday topics. If you've been learning Korean for more than at least a month now and feel like you are ready to start reading stuff, but you find regular novels and magazines too hard to begin with, our Easy Korean Reading For Beginners will be a great place to start.
(Source: Amazon)
(4.29/5)Good layout. You have the Korean and then the English as well as vocabulary lists.
The grading is good. Majority of these stories are good for upper-beginners but there are a few like the Dementia chapter that has slightly higher level vocabulary so you can test your own knowledge.
A great choice for your first foray into reading in Korean
Talk To Me In Korean (TTMIK) always produces excellent learning materials, so you can rest assured that no matter what product you choose, you know it's going to be money well spent. If you are a beginner with a knowledge of basic grammar and vocabulary, this would be an excellent choice for your first reader. It comprises 30 short chapters on various aspects of daily life, each of which can be read in less than 10 minutes.
I really appreciate how much care has been taken with the layout in or
random collection of thirty paragraphs
This book is very thin. Each chapter covers a single paragraph, and very little vocabulary gets reused from one chapter to the next. It doesn't particularly build towards anything.
However, if you sentence mine as you go, you'll get coverage for a lot of common words useful in your next book.