Easy Movies & TV Mish-mash

lower intermediate
5 items

The easiest things to watch! Ordered by easiest to hardest in my opinion.

There are cartoons and reality shows, so it's a hodgepodge! Also still a work in progress... not enough items!

이웃집 토토로
Level 20
THE EASIEST! Highly recommend starting here, even if the dubs don't match the subs.
THE EASIEST! Highly recommend starting here, even if the dubs don't match the subs.
Outside the wizard scenes, very easy
솔로지옥 S1
TV Season
Level 25??
All the 솔로지옥's have very simple vocabulary and easy to follow plots with pretty people. However, since people sometimes talk about their confused emotions, the sentences can still sometimes be hard to parse. There are also three seasons with 8 episodes, 1 1/2 hrs long each so lots of content!
All the 솔로지옥's have very simple vocabulary and easy to follow plots with pretty people. However, since people sometimes talk about their confused emotions, the sentences can still sometimes be hard to parse. There are also three seasons with 8 episodes, 1 1/2 hrs long each so lots of content!
다시 만난 세계 S1
TV Season
Level 23??
This eventually got too cheesy for me, but it is one of the easier real-life dramas i've seen.
This eventually got too cheesy for me, but it is one of the easier real-life dramas i've seen.
마당이 있는 집 S1
TV Season
Level 27??
This one is a bit more difficult, but it's nice and atmospheric and spooky, a welcome change from the romances. This reminds me, I need to go back and finish this...
This one is a bit more difficult, but it's nice and atmospheric and spooky, a welcome change from the romances. This reminds me, I need to go back and finish this...