February 11, 2024
Relevant gradings from other volumes
spaghettiman graded
spaghettiman graded
spaghettiman graded
spaghettiman graded
spaghettiman graded
spaghettiman graded
spaghettiman graded
spaghettiman graded
spaghettiman graded
spaghettiman graded
spaghettiman graded
spaghettiman graded
After a fairly complex and dramatic fourth novel, the Kirby series takes a bit of a breather with the most sitcom-esque story since the first, but that doesn't mean it's lazy. Basically a hotshot TV producer comes to Dreamland and convinces everyone to join in his big race. The result feels a lot like the old Wacky Races cartoon but with golden age Spongebob plotting. There are some really solid, layered running gags in this one and I like that this volume is more of an ensemble story focusing on everyone. The prior volumes usually have one memorable scene with Chef Kawasaki and one or two appearances of a game enemy appearning as townsfolk, but this one is really about the townsfolk this time. Kawasaki still gets a great singular scene where he regrets getting involved in this nonsense, but really this is everyone's story. Walky the microphone was one of the most memorable townsfolk in the prior volumes and I enjoyed how much he factored into this story. He gets to be the announcer for the race and hilariously drags Metaknight in to do color commentary against his will. Kirby and Dedede both get to do their best impression of the Spongebob Chocolate guy and the ending is pure chaos but brings everything together in a satisfying way.
The language is about the same as the others and I feel like I'm at a point with this series where I'm actually reading a book instead of just studying it. I've been able to read these really smoothly and maybe have one or two lookups per page. I've had smooth reading experiences before with books like Kuma Bear but those felt like I'd have a good day and hten a tough day. The Kirby series is just really smooth for me right now but still feels like it's introducing a worthwhile amount of words. I'm also noticing myself picking up new words from context a lot more naturally. Considering there's still like 25 to go, I'm excited to see what my reading experience will be like on the final volume.