January 13, 2023

Locked room mystery set in a highschool

Such a fun mystery read!! There is a huge cast of characters and it's kinda hard to keep up with all the names but I loved the main cast so much. I also really love the challenge for the readers to solve the mystery themselves!! very interactive and super enjoyable. Before starting this though please keep in mind that this is a young adult at the end of the day so please suspend any disbelief cause some of the events here really are absurd. Like, come on, this is about a highschool locked room murder and one of the characters lives in an abandoned room in the campus.

Language wise this maybe a little challenging as there's a lot to keep up with in the story generally. Many anime and pop culture references (that even some of the characters don't get so it doesn't really affect the language level).

Overall, highly recommend!! If you've never read mysteries before I think this can make for a good first mystery.

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