December 11, 2023

Rebensu, a travelling mercanery meets a mysterious young girl with a giant black sword. Turns out this girl is the only clue Rebensu has to the identity of glowing eyed monster that destroyed his home town and killed his sister. Unfortunately she doesn't talk much and rather dangerous as she's travelling the continent attempting to systematically murder 7 holy sword masters (剣聖), of which are so powerful they can fight armies on their own and have never been defeated in thousands of years. Still Rebensu, tags along in the hope that he might be able to find his sister's killer to get his revenge.

This is in third person but we rarely see anything from other than Rebensu's point of view which I think is maybe a little bit unfortunate. The story goes quickly in this first book, the characters travel from place to place and something is always happening which kept me reading quite easily.

I didn't find the language especially difficult, though the beggining prologue was a little tricky. If you read a lot of fantasy books I'd guess that the vocab here would be pretty standard. A few characters speak with a bit of an accent, but nothing tricky.

If you think you might like a fantasy sword fighting story with lot's of travelling then you might like this.

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on December 11, 2023
on December 11, 2023
on December 11, 2023