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Felt like pretty standard isekai stuff
I picked up the first volume of Lost Stranger hoping for some good Final Fantasy fun, and I got that...kind of. The basic premise of the book is this: our protagonist and his little sister get isekai'd into not-Final Fantasy, and must search for a way back home while having adventures along the way. That "not-Final Fantasy" is important here; the book goes out of its way to show all the similarities to an FF game (using FFXIV as the comparison specifically), only to turn around and say, "but this is how it's different and it's definitely not an established FF world", which can work. But imo the writing just wasn't there; having the book be set in a generic FF-fantasy world just made it come across as being in any generic fantasy world, and while there was a nice upset in the story early on, it wasn't enough to make this book anything more than "okay" for me.
It's pretty easy reading, at least; full furigana and generic fantasy vocab, along with generally low text density, made this a quick one for me to flip through. I don't think I'll pick up the second volume unless I'm really bored, which is a shame given how pretty the cover art is.