This is a fantasy kid's show, based on a series of Korean dolls for kids (kind of like Barbie?). It follows the adventures of a fairy named Juju and her friends, who transform into pretty outfits (like magical girls) and fight against witches, often while singing.
This has enough of an overarching plot to be entertaining enough to get through, especially each episode is only about 10 minutes long if you exclude the intro and outro. The animation is all CGI, which I got used to, but can be a bit painful to watch at times. The music is also nothing to write home about. However, the characters can be quite cute and funny.
From a Korean learning standpoint, I chose this since it looked easy and moderately entertaining. This worked out for me, since the show repeats a lot of vocabulary and mostly uses basic grammar. It was a nice bridge from Didi's podcasts to actual native content, even if it's made for kids.
This is a fantasy kid's show, based on a series of Korean dolls for kids (kind of like Barbie?). It follows the adventures of a fairy named Juju and her friends, who transform into pretty outfits (like magical girls) and fight against witches, often while singing.
This has enough of an overarching plot to be entertaining enough to get through, especially each episode is only about 10 minutes long if you exclude the intro and outro. The animation is all CGI, which I got used to, but can be a bit painful to watch at times. The music is also nothing to write home about. However, the characters can be quite cute and funny.
From a Korean learning standpoint, I chose this since it looked easy and moderately entertaining. This worked out for me, since the show repeats a lot of vocabulary and mostly uses basic grammar. It was a nice bridge from Didi's podcasts to actual native content, even if it's made for kids.