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Entertainment: This book just wasn't for me. The author's main point is the pressure society puts on people - especially women - to either have a family or a successful career. And while this sounded generally interesting, I did not think that the book actually added anything interesting beyond simply repeating that premise again and again. At some point through the middle I thought "OK, I get it now! Please tell me something new!". Of course it is not all bad: The characters are great and delightfully weird and some of the dialogue and inner monologue is very funny. Roughly the first 1/3 of the book was very entertaining. Ultimately though I had a hard time getting through this to the end, simply because after a while nothing unexpected or interesting happened anymore for quite some time. I only stuck with this book for language learning and because it is short. Three stars, only because it got a little better again at the end.
Language Learning: Excellent, unless if you are a complete beginner. The grammar is easy but the sentences are long, which makes for great reading practice. Lots and lots of useful basic vocab that skews more towards "general purpose vocab" than light novels for teenagers do. People who learned with a deck like the Core6K will probably feel right at home, for me it was a great way to fill in some gaps.