February 18, 2024

a beautiful reflection on mental health

The author takes us through her struggles with mental health with small cartoons and diary entries. She illustrates common daily situations with her drawings and reflects back on her thoughts and feelings from the time. A lot of the situations are accompanied by the diary entries of the author which allow you a deeper insight.

Even though I have never experienced a burn-out like the author has, I related to a lot of the stories. I found myself laughing sometimes, but also reflecting on my own mindset and how I approach life. I especially liked how the author highlighted the small things in life that can be bring us joy, like a cat at your workplace, your dad ironing your coat, or a letter from a friend.

As for the language, this is a great book for a lower-intermediate learner. The sentences in the cartoons were not very long or hard and there was not a lot of obscure vocabulary. The diary entries were more difficult because I think they were written a bit poetically (but I could be wrong). This book taught me a lot of words about emotions and how to describe experiences.

The cartoons mostly lasted 2-3 pages and the diary entries were almost always less than half a page. This made it the perfect book to read on my commute to work and back where I can only concentrate for max 15 min at the time.

Overall, I really recommend this book to all lower-intermediate learners and above. If not for language learning this book is still totally worth reading.

clementine graded
on December 16, 2024
easier than그 여름L23??
clementine graded
on December 16, 2024
clementine graded
on June 15, 2024
clementine graded
on June 15, 2024
harder than지구와 달L17
clementine graded
on May 29, 2024
harder than하트스토퍼 1L10