March 6, 2024

Lots and lots of word lists

This is pretty much as advertised: a list of 3200+ common word collocations; i.e. natural-sounding noun + verb pairs used in Japanese. This should be a useful reference book for those looking to expand their everyday vocabulary; there are no exercises or practice questions, however, so the learner will be on their own on how they want to consume the content in the book.

Each topic is divided into subsections and then sub-subsections (e.g. Home > Body & Hygiene > Soap), and each sub-subsection will list a phrase in kanji + furigana with the English translation. Occasionally a full sentence is provided to add better context for proper usage. Individual word translations in a collocation are not given, just the English equivalent (e.g. 風呂に(お)湯を入れる - run a hot bath).

Topics covered are:

  • Home
  • Daily Life
  • People
  • School and Work
  • Travel
  • Entertainment