November 5, 2022

Short, easy read that doesn't end like you'd expect.

This seems like a classic children's story that will end with everyone becoming friends and being happy, but instead it takes an odd turn and leaves every character's "arc" incomplete. This is a text that paints a picture rather than telling a complete and satisfying story. It made me think a bit about our expectations of what a good story should be.

Language-wise, it's quite straightforward. Despite being written in 1921 there was no language or kanji that seemed too out of place. The events are also easy to follow, and it's only 5 pages (the whole actually thing fits on my 1080p monitor at the default zoom level) so I'd recommend it for lower-level learners who want to try an original text. Of course, it can still be interesting for people at any level!

Athakaspen graded
on December 17, 2022
harder than赤い蝋燭L19
Athakaspen graded
on November 5, 2022
Athakaspen graded
on November 5, 2022
similar in difficulty toよつばと! 1L17
Athakaspen graded
on November 5, 2022
Athakaspen graded
on November 5, 2022
similar in difficulty toお兄ちゃんはおしまい!1L21
Athakaspen graded
on November 5, 2022