January 18, 2024

An adorable anime about a girl with social anxiety!!

Edit: I finished it, it got more boring as time went on. Overall I'm dropping it a star, it started off good though but I feel like the message lost its focus.

Story: The characters are written naturally (enough), with some exceptions for joke-ish characters. The plot is sweet and the general genre is comedy set in a school. It's less slapstick than, say, Nichijou, but there's some situational comedy in there too. I would say it's mostly conversation-based. If you're sick of romcoms with perverted MCs or girls who fall in love within 3 seconds, then this show is for you. The MC is actually a nice guy and their (implied) romance slowly building up isn't too distracting.

Japanese level: Speaking of conversations, the dialogue is piss-easy. You'd think that a comedy show with comedy mainly being verbal would be hard to grasp for a language learner, but it's pretty fine. Easier than Nichijou, Cyberpunk, Chainsawman, and basically most other animes I've reviewed. I'm studying for the N3 and I could understand everything without a dictionary. The characters speak clearly and their sentences are short. Plus, whenever there's a dialogue-box joke, there's furigana as well. Overall, very easy in terms of language, and accessible for basically any level. If you're below N3, this might be a good show to learn some words from (with a dictionary, ofc) or get used to Japanese being spoken, since all the scenes are at school.

Art: Normally I don't care to mention art or animation, but the art is amazing in this show! It's a perfect balance between looking pretty and pulling off visual-gags.

If the above sounds interesting to you; please go watch it! Netflix has Japanese subs as well!

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