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A little bit of everything
Before I say anything else about this book, I think its biggest problem is easily its pacing.
The story starts off extremely strong. Through the eyes of the wife of a man who, supposedly, died during a horrific plane crash, the reader is immediately pulled into the world Kobayashi draws for us: visceral descriptions of tragedy and horror, confusion, grief, hope and fear, and then the twist: Hayato, the husband, has completely regenerated, seemingly risen again from the dead.
Though there are strong flashes of brilliance here and there, it's mostly downhill after the first couple of chapters. Especially the introduction of the sci-fi elements (leaning on the hard side of sci-fi) went on too long and brought all tension to a screeching halt. At times, the story then picks up again as more elements get added to the mix: shape-shifting and body-snatching aliens, tokusatsu-esque fights, religious cults...
Yet every time, Kobayashi finds a way to introduce dialogue or tangents that stretched my patience rather thin. I have no problem with long passages if they serve narrative purpose or come back in a meaningful way, but I think with ~60% less exposition this book could've gone from acceptable to stellar for me. I also felt the writing quality degraded a bit towards the end, especially for the last 50 pages or so.
All in all I think this is an entertaining and gruesome (meant positively) horror-action novel with at times distracting pacing problems and a somewhat disappointing ending. But if you're interested in any of the ingredients I described above (I certainly was) and can bear with the occasional dry patch, I can recommend this book.
It certainly is a bit more difficult in terms of vocabulary and such, with some scientific terminology. I can also recommend brushing up on your occult knowledge as you go deeper into this.