August 26, 2022

Umi is drawn to Segawa, a girl from her school, whose aloof behavior blinds others to her passion of the sea. What was initially a desire for friendship grows quickly into curiosity and confusion, as Umi develops a crush for the girl who sneaks out every night in search of a mermaid.

A very cute and short read. The relationship between the two girls is very cute and genuine. The subtleties in the art and conversations really draw you in. The atmosphere is so well done, you could really hear the sound of the crashing waves. It definitely leaves you wanting for more!

There are little touches of humor here and there too, like the ending. (Oh boy x'D) Really looking forward to reading the next one. :)

For Japanese learners: If you're a yuri fan, I'd say grab the book, especially since it's free, but heads up, there is no furigana. The grammar level is pretty average for typical manga, nothing complex. I'd say N4 mixed with N3, the usual. You'll just need a stronger grasp of kanji knowledge here.

conan graded
on May 14, 2024
similar in difficulty toHEARTSTOPPER ハートストッパー 1L23
conan graded
on October 22, 2022
conan graded
on August 26, 2022
conan graded
on August 26, 2022
easier than時をかける少女L23
conan graded
on August 26, 2022
conan graded
on August 26, 2022
easier than名探偵コナン 1L27
conan graded
on August 26, 2022