August 9, 2023

A self-help book disguised as fiction

If you're coming into this expecting a novel, don't. It's a self-help book. There's basically no story and all of the chapters are pretty much the same. As a self-help book it may have some merit and the book's irreverent attitude towards deities is occasionally entertaining, which is why it's getting two stars for entertainment.

The copious Kansai-ben makes this book decent for getting to grips with how the dialect works and sounds if you don't have much exposure to it, though.

Toastd graded
on February 29, 2024
Toastd graded
on January 28, 2024
Toastd graded
on January 28, 2024
similar in difficulty to君たちはどう生きるかL29
Toastd graded
on September 28, 2023
easier than告白L33
Toastd graded
on September 15, 2023
Toastd graded
on August 9, 2023
Toastd graded
on August 9, 2023
harder thanコンビニ人間L29
Toastd graded
on August 9, 2023
similar in difficulty to君の膵臓をたべたいL29
Toastd graded
on August 9, 2023
Toastd graded
on August 9, 2023
similar in difficulty to52ヘルツのクジラたちL32
Toastd graded
on August 9, 2023
easier than地球星人L30