July 30, 2022

Mystery sampler

(Note: this review/rating for a free long-form sampler that focuses on the first couple of chapters of the book; should be available through Amazon/Bookwalker. Review will be updated when I read through the whole book.)

This is a short sampler of the first book in the "Knockin' on a Locked Door" series. It features a brief 4-page manga intro of the two main characters and the part-timer working for them, the first four chapters of book one (which fully covers the first case in the book in 32 pages), and a five page interview with the author excerpted from another source.

Because of it's short length, this sampler is a great way to a) read a short detective story, and b) evaluate the writing style/difficulty of the series at large.

The writing felt clear, with precise explanations (and even a diagram); it features furigana for names the first time they're mentioned in a chapter, as well as on the occasional word. Grammar was very straightforward, mostly a solid N3 as far as I recall.

Highly recommended for mystery fans as an easy intro/quick read.
