June 26, 2022

This story was darker than I expected from the description and the fact that everything has furigana on it. Nichol doesn't just receive more attention; their father is what we would nowadays call at least emotionally neglectful. This leads to their relationship being extremely fraught on Albert's side. After their parents die, Albert takes advantage of the fact that Nichol is both blind and diagnosed with a severe heart condition to cloister him away, then later seems to be simultaneously trying to encourage him to die faster and also fulfill their father's dream of making him a skating star.

I did find it confusing that the timeline jumps back and forth a lot, often without clear indicators of how much time has passed between two pages. Still, I'm curious to see what happens in the other volume.

The art is very 80s - one of the characters basically has the shoujo sparkles turned up to 100% of his eyes - but if you're into the style, it's lovely and well-done. There is also some interesting paneling. The skating poses are drawn nicely.

Although it has full furigana, the language is not always the easiest, with some N1 grammar constructions and non-jouyou kanji popping up. Also, it's difficult to read the occasional white-on-black text, and the furigana on that text is essentially gone.

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on June 26, 2022