November 9, 2023

On my perspective: I am fluent in Japanese, I work as a translator and occasional give lessons in Japanese. This Manga came up when browsing easy beginners material and ended up as lesson material.

Now to the review.

The strongest quality here is its accessibility for readers that are more at the beginner level. A combination of readability (font size is big, people can read this on whatever devices they wish to) and the convenient use of Furigana for pretty much every Kanji means there are no real hurdles.

Furthermore, the overall topics presented here will be found in a lot of slice of life & romantic comedy (and harem-)works, so if your interests are to be found there, the additional vocabulary you might build up by working through this will be helpful.

As for cons .. well, there are no hard ones. I really believe this Manga is solid for learners, it is absolutely not my favorite genre but the lessons created around it seemed rather enjoyable for the audience.

In regards to the rating, this was incredibly difficult for me. So personally, I did not find it all that enjoyable as I do have a dislike towards the Harem genre. The art was nothing special and I didn't really like the characters. I still stand on my position though that it makes for good material for beginners to go through, reading is just so incredible valuable for learning Japanese.

MioSora graded
on March 3, 2024
similar in difficulty to君に好きっていわせたいL19
MioSora graded
on March 3, 2024
MioSora graded
on December 18, 2023
MioSora graded
on November 9, 2023
easier thanホリミヤ 1L23
MioSora graded
on November 9, 2023
MioSora graded
on November 9, 2023
MioSora graded
on November 9, 2023