April 4, 2024

A Breathtaking Masterpiece

"Kokou no Hito" is a unique experience.

The story, the characters and the art are top-notch! But, you'll need to read the first 4 volumes, which are very shônen-y, to get there. Btw In those first volumes, the MC was imo the biggest weakness of the manga but, it rapidly changes afterwards, so be patient it'll be worth it.

I know "a climbing manga" can sound very boring, but climbing is just the medium through which the story is told, just like Vagabond or Ping Pong. Actually, it's just a coming of age story.

Japanese-wise: There are a lot of interesting words, but what you'll see the most is climbing terminology in katakana. Also, there is a lot of text and barely no furigana, so it's by no means an easy/quick read.

But just give it a go, you won't regret it.
