May 12, 2023

A novel about love and self development

This book was recommended to me by a Japanese friend a long time ago.

The story is a budding romance between a high school boy and girl with some self development message. There are some good life lessons contained in the book that are immediately actionable and inspiring.

For language learning, I would consider this novel effective and easy to read. I'm studying for the JLPT N3 and was able to find the grammar easy. There are some hard vocabulary words (about 5 per page on average), but the sentences are short and to the point.

Overall, the story gripped me and at an N4-N3 Japanese learner I had no problem with reading. I was surprised on my ability to finish the book as quick as I did. I highly recommend this book to any fan of slice of life and self development.

Danieru4 graded
on March 25, 2025
Danieru4 graded
on January 31, 2025
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on October 9, 2024
easier than手紙L31
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on July 27, 2023
Danieru4 graded
on May 12, 2023