January 19, 2022

No furigana (except on obscure words and potentially names)

Summary Do you like yakuza and yakuza wives? This story follows a friendless high school girl who is obsessed with yakuza. Somehow, she finds herself now involved with a local yakuza clan and she will be the person who determines is the next head of the yakuza clan. Follow her as she overcomes various situations with 3 yakuza grandsons.

Learning aspect: In terms of learning words, I definitely struggled at first because it was my first time seeing the terminology used in regards to yakuza and other such things (gambling, smuggling, etc.) in Japanese. I'll definitely be coming back to attempt re-reading this in the future since I own a majority of the series physically and a few more digitally. A wonderful opportunity to learn and memorize kanji.

on January 15, 2023
on May 23, 2022
similar in difficulty toヲタクに恋は難しい 1L28