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Fumi Manjoume enters Kamakura's accelerated high school - Matsuoka All-Girls High School. While waiting at the Kamakura station on the day of her entrance ceremony, she runs into an old childhood friend whom she had not seen in 10 years: Akira Okudaira. As their friendship is rekindled and they start falling back into the rhythm of friends again, it starts a delicate love story...
Last Synced: March 5, 2023
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(4.50/5)2 ratings1 review
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The vibe is definitely unique, and very relaxed. I haven't read t the manga, but it seems like it was a bit of an awkward adaptation, that at times felt slightly stilted. They could have called the show 片想い. Almost everybody is in love with the wrong person at some point.
That said, the characters, their emotions, and experiences of love, are all really well portrayed. Their behaviors, successes, and mistakes all feel very realistic. The characters in general are pretty likeable, and it's very