Series Blurb
Kagome Higurashi is a modern day young girl who lives with her family by the old Higure shrine. Unbeknownst to Kagome, she is the reincarnation of priestess Kikyo and posseses the "Jewel of Four Souls" (the Shikon jewel). One ill-fated day, Kagome locates an ancient well near her home and is abruptly transported through the well and into a feudal Japan, inhabited by demons. There, she encounters Inuyasha, son of a powerful demon father and a human mother, who is pinned to a tree by an enchanted arrow.
Last Synced: March 7, 2023
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(3.67/5)3 ratings1 review
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Language learning(4/5)
1 rating
February 21, 2024
Story: I'm totally captivated by this series, for it's setting (feudal Japan + oni, youkai, etc), characters, music, humor, romance, etc. It can be a bit gory at times, so if you're sensitive to that, it may not be for you. Otherwise, it's basically a shounen + romance. One hand, it's very episodic, on the other hand there's always connection and continuity (contrary to say らんま 1/2 | L25, as it goes along). The larger plot is very slow and steady (
January 1, 2025
October 16, 2023
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