Series Blurb
Cursed to turn into a girl whenever splashed with cold water, and unwillingly engaged to the rather temperamental and violent Akane Tendo, 16-year-old Ranma Saotome's life is anything but ordinary.
Last Synced: December 14, 2024
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(4.12/5)8 ratings1 review
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If you haven't seen the original, start here
I have a sort of love/hate relationship with Ranma 1/2, and when they announced the remake I wasn't sure if I would watch it. Turns out this is an excellent adaptation that (differing from the iconic 90s anime) sticks quite close to the manga, and so far has no filler. They did a great job of modernizing it, without losing the core feel/spirit. Some of the 声優 from the 90s version are present, and some are more recent (but well-established) voice actors. All of them are excellent!
One thing I lo