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わたし、二番目の彼女でいいから。 全2巻 Kindle版 (Series) favorite_border
Book Series
by 西 条陽
alternative titles:
わたし、二番目の彼女でいいから。, Watashi, 2-banme no Kanojo de Ii kara
[DeepL Translation - needs review] Volume 1: "I like Kirishima-kun second best, too." Me and Hayasaka-san are dating each other second to none, even though we both have someone we love the most. But we are still lovers. We go home together, see each other secretly, and do things we can't tell anyone. But second best is still second best, and if I were to be in love with the person I love the most, this relationship would be terminated. We had made such a promise. I was supposed to... I'...