Slice Of Life
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迷子になっていた幼女を助けたら、お隣に住む美少女留学生が家に遊びに来るようになった件について (Series) favorite_border
Book Series
by Various authors
alternative titles:
Maigo ni Natte Ita Youjou wo Tasuketara, Otonari ni Sumu Bishoujou Ryuugakusei ga Ie ni Asobi ni Kuru You ni Natta Ken ni Tsuite
[DeepL Translation - needs review] Volume 1 Introduction: One day, an exchange student transfers to Akito Aoyagi's class. Her name is Charlotte Bennett. With her neat and elegant behavior and cute appearance, all of his classmates are attracted to Charlotte, but Akito calmly feels that she lives in a different world and takes a step back. However, Akito's daily life drastically changes when he rescues Charlotte's younger sister, Emma, who was lost. He found out that the Bennet sisters lived ...
Volumes (7)
Slice Of Life