Hi everyone! I have been a casual learner of Japanese for nearly a decade now, spending on average around an hour per day with the language. I'm learning Japanese because I love the language and because my wife is half-Japanese.
Estimated time spent immersing in Japanese (~1,900 hours):
- Reading - 350 hours
- Watching - 150 hours (mostly with JP subs, but recently trying to watch without any subs)
- Listening - 250 hours
- Speaking - 25 hours
- Writing - 25 hours
- Playing Video Games - 1,100 hours (~10-20% in-game time spent actually reading Japanese text, probably)
Estimated time spent studying Japanese (~1,100 hours):
- Textbooks & Apps - 150 hours
- Flashcards - 250 hours
- BunPro (N1) - 50 hours
- WaniKani (Lvl 60) - 500 hours
- Kanji Writing Practice - 150 hours
- Pitch Accent - 25 hours