A classic collection of “short-short stories” that are each roughly 4 pages long. They’re generally sci-fi themed, so some vocabulary may be unfamiliar at first, but is generally repeated enough for you to get accustomed to it. E.g. 宇宙人(うちゅうじん / alien)
Each story has a twist or moral at the end, so it’s a fun puzzle trying to make sure you’ve followed correctly. Highly recommend it!
A lot of slang and story is a bit bland.
Despite being well-known in the community, I wasn't a fan of this and found it harder than some other books at a similar or even higher level.
Essentially everyone speaks with slang, so much vocab and most of the sentence structures are very casual. One minor character in particular talks with a thick Kansai accent, which was also a challenge to decipher.
Exposure to these forms of speech is great and necessary, however I think these earn this book a higher difficulty rating and not its reputa